Malden High School’s Red Carpet 2014



This year, Malden High School went all out for their prom to make it the best end to senior year that there could possibly be. On May 31, 2014, the New England Aquarium was filled with MHS students from all grades, as long as they had someone to accompany them from the senior class. The class of 2014 has been raising money since their freshman year in 2010, which has clearly paid off.

Senior Patricia Seun expressed that, “some highlights were definitely the atmosphere. Being able to be seated by the animals made the prom experience much more enjoyable.” She added, “[they] were able to hang out with good friends and cute aquamarine animals.”

This year’s prom included a photo booth that allowed the guests to capture the memories from the night, as well as the basic necessities that any prom would be incomplete without: music, refreshments, and decorations. Senior Tracy Tran also added, “the senior class worked really hard to make that night really special, and it definitely was. [They could not] have asked for a better prom night.”

From Malden High School Prom 2014, posted by The Blue & Gold on 6/11/2014 (69 items)

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