Homecoming 2014: Alumni Association


Nedlam’s 55th birthday was celebrated by Malden High School’s Alumni Association in Cafe Desano at MHS. Many generations of students that grew up in Malden came to enjoy this event and their brunch as well. David Haskell, class of 1954, stated, “Our roots are in Malden [and that it is fun to visit the school and reunite with old classmates].”

When asked, several alumni described that the biggest change in the school was its diversity. MHS Principal Dana Brown, class of 1977, explained, “When [he] attended the school, most of the students looked just like [him].” It was a mainly Protestant school, “some [Jewish] and very few minorities.” Mayor Gary Christensen also mentioned, class of 1986, that MHS is “one of the most diverse schools in the state of Massachusetts,” which has changed since they attended the school 30 or more years ago.

All the former students of the school love revisiting, seeing, and hearing about the school’s progress. Christensen gave a speech addressing the several accomplishments of MHS. He mentioned the dropout rate decreasing from seven percent to two percent, as well as addressing the boys varsity soccer team’s undefeated season this school year.

A great change noted by some of the alumni is the physical progression of the school. Haskell stated that the school has been, “renovated beautifully,” and all changes are for the better. Beverly Aronson Visnick, from the class of 1948, believes the school is much “more lively” and adds that it was “a quieter school when [she] attended.”

Barbara Keniston Pelosi, class of 1954, described the event in one word: “awesome.” For many of the alumni, visiting the high school brings back memories. Many of them enjoy attending the events and meeting different generations and classes of MHS because they all “share a common bond,” Brown stated.

All of the Alumni had different experiences at Malden High, but came together as one because they all have roots in Malden. Alumn Aronson Visnik worked with bookkeeping and went into accounting, and mentioned that “[she] always liked school.”  Mayor Christenson took part in bowling and baseball, and was mainly involved in class politics. He was elected for class president his junior year, and re-elected his senior year. In fact, that is where he developed his idea and desire to become mayor and involve himself in public service.

Former generations of Malden have watched everything grow and develop into what it is today. Jordan Shapiro, class of 1960, was born in the Malden hospital and expressed that he is “sad that it is gone.” Shapiro attended MHS when they had their first Junior Varieties and the first Nedlam mascot of his class. Shapiro has always been an active participant of the progressive improvement of the city. He worked as a lawyer for Malden through 1978 to 1988, and experienced the building of five schools in Malden. He also took part of the renovating and building of MHS, along with 30 other people in the committee.

Malden has grown into an incredible city. The Alumni Association has experienced all of the great changes that took place. Every year, they enjoy coming to the brunch and reminiscing on memories and reuniting with old friends. Their homecoming is a great reminder that they all share a “great past and a strong future.”



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