Malden High School band participating in a Friday football game, led by their Senior drum major Paula Armentor.
Malden High School band participating in a Friday football game, led by their Senior drum major Paula Armentor.

Music is a passion for many people, including a variety of  Malden High School’s students who participate in pep band. The band’s main goal this year is to bring a great energy to the crowd at football games, present their passion to their community,  and make it their best year possible.

Erin Mazza-O’Brien, the newest MHS band teacher and is experiencing her first year in the band program at MHS as well. Mazza-O’Brien was not certain about the theme for this year’s band, but her ultimate choice would be to rebuild and refresh. Though Mazza-O’Brien is looking forward to many things this year, she is mostly looking forward to seeing the band come back strong this year, both proud and accomplishing the goals they have set.

The band has many goals this year such as trying to make it to the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association (MICCA). Last year,  they scored a bronze, which sets this year’s expectations much higher. In addition to this, they also want to recruit people. Junior trombone player Stephen LaFauci explained, “There is no hiding that the band is shrinking in numbers. That only makes it harder for everyone who is still in the band. With more members, the band will not only look better, but it will sound bigger and fuller.”

Mazza-O’Brien also mentioned that “[she] loves working at Malden High so far and it has been a great experience for [her]” Not only is she looking forward to work with the students at MHS, but the students are excited to work with her. LaFauci says, “[he] really like[s] Ms. Mazza. She’s young, energetic and is full of ideas. She knows what she is talking about and [he] thinks she is a great teacher. [He is] look forward to having her for the rest of the year.” LaFauci added, “there is not a single band class where someone is not making [him] laugh.” This year is sure to be another success for the band.

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