With spirit week coming up, you should start to think about what to wear in order to dress to impress. Here are some suggestions of simple ideas to get you started on your spirit week outfits. Feel free to change them up and to help them fit your personality best.

The 1st day of Spirit Week is PJ Day! Bring your A-game for PJ day, whether it be your favorite PJ pants, fuzzy animal onsie, or your most comfortable robe.


The 2nd day of Spirit Week is Wacky Tacky Day! Make sure to wear your most crazy and outrageous outfits. From neon tutus, and leopard print spandex. Just throw on anything wacky and make your class proud.

Wacky Tacky 1Wacky Tacky 2

The 3rd day of Spirit Week is Blue and Gold Day! A day like no other to truly show your school spirit. As long as you show off your blue and gold stripes, you’ll be sure to impress not only your class but school as well.  


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