A homemade avocado smoothie is a delicious snack that is also beneficial to your health. It’s made with simple ingredients: avocados, milk, and sugar, and can be made in under ten minutes using a blender. It can even go along with both salty and sweet foods; with a sandwich or cookies. It can also be drank alone. The smoothie contains a lot of potassium and fiber, even more than other common fruits. Avocados are enriched with vitamins, making this drink a great choice as a quick snack at any time of the day. Avocados are also beneficial to the eyes, helping improve eyesight. They are also proven to decrease the chances of getting cancer. The avocado smoothie is a tasty way to be healthy and it is quick and easy to make.

  1. First, using a knife, cut the avocado evenly in half so that the seed inside sticks out of one of the halves.
  2. Dispose of the seed.
  3. Use a spoon to scoop out all of the avocado from its skin.
  4. Put the avocado into a blender and fill the blender with milk so that all of the avocado is covered; put in more or less milk to change the consistency of the smoothie, the more milk there is the thinner it will be.
  5. Add a spoon of sugar, or more to make it sweeter.
  6. Blend the ingredients and pour it into a cup.
  7. One avocado makes one serving.


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