Anything Is Posse-ble

Posse scholars Julie Lam, Sumya Mohiuddin, Madina Khudaynazar who will be attending Denison University.
Posse scholars Julie Lam, Sumya Mohiuddin, Madina K.

Posse wishes to foster leadership, help students pursue their academic goals, and promote cultural diversity among college campuses. This year, Posse is providing seven  lucky Malden High School students the chance at representing MHS as they attend their new school this upcoming fall of 2015.

MHS Posse scholar Aryzona MacDonald will be heading to Danville, Kentucky after graduation. MacDonald is excited to begin her journey as a Centre College student. At first, MacDonald had not planned to even attempt to become a Posse scholar as she “did not think [she] had any chance” due to “so many kids from [MHS]” and all over the Greater Boston area that apply. However, that all changed when her “best friend made [her] go to the meeting.” The 1-on-1 interview was “really nerve wracking” for MacDonald, but “overall [the process to be a scholar] was good.” When she received the acceptance call, she was overjoyed and “cried [because she] was so excited.” Centre College is a private liberal arts college that MacDonald hopes will accommodate and help her in transitioning from a golden tornado to a colonel. Centre has a similar tight-knit community that  MHS also offers. MacDonald is extremely ecstatic about “a change in scenery” and “to try new things,” as she believes the experience is going to be a “culture shock.” MacDonald describes her posse as “fun, loud and energetic” and “really, really smart.” Though MacDonald is moving onto Centre, she will not forget her time at MHS.

Union College, a private liberal arts college located in Schenectady, New York will welcome Nahom Ghile as a fellow Dutchman come fall. Ghile was inspired to apply for the scholarship by “friends [from] last year who got the Posse scholarship and they told [him] how great it was.” Ghile is proud to have won the scholarship, stating that he felt “good to know that among all the people [that applied for Posse, he is] one of the lucky few who was able to get the scholarship.” After his acceptance, Ghile felt relief, as he knew for the next 4 years of his life things were all set financially. Ghile’s family is also proud of him in winning the scholarship to the point where they were “jumping for joy.” Ghile is excited to spend the next 4 years with his posse that he feels is “very energetic” and he says that “they love making jokes [and] they are very family-like.” Ghile will miss the many wonderful memories filled with fun and lasting relationships with all his friends and teachers at MHS.

Denison University will be most delighted to welcome Posse scholars and Blue and Gold members Julie Lam and Sumya Mohiuddin along with Madina Khudaynazar. When it came to becoming a Posse scholar Mohiuddin stated that the process “was not pressuring” and that the activities varied. Students applying and seeking to become a Posse scholar had to participate in multiple activities that worked to display students’ leadership and communication skills. Denison University is located in Granville, Ohio, which is quite different from Malden and a good distance away. Khudaynazar explained, “[She] grew up in the city, so [moving to Granville is] going to be a huge transformation for [her].” Besides the difference in where they will live, the Posse scholars will experience a new sense of support through their Posse. With reference to the Posse attending Denison University, Madina stated “I’m so excited to learn from them and offer my diversity as well.” Madina explained the benefit of being a part of this group by saying, “Things we would not normally talk about [they] can talk about because [they] have people from all over the world. Just having that mentorship and that peer support, [she] think[s] is really important.”

Posse scholars Jesse Yu and Jasmine Nguyen will happily be attending Hamilton College. Hamilton College is not too far away, in fact it is located in Upstate New York. “It’s kind of something [he] wanted, to go far away, Upstate New York is not extremely far away but it is enough for [him],” explained Yu. Similar to Mohiuddin’s feeling of a lack of pressure during the process, Yu expressed, “[He] felt comfortable, it was not necessarily easy, but [he is] in this program called summer search and basically every week [they] have a weekly interview.” Hamilton College is an accepting college that encourages individuality and will easily make the Posse heading to it feel included. Yu stated that he “[expects] a lot of support from [his group] and it’s just nice to know that you have people to lean back on when you’re in the middle of nowhere and you do not know anyone else.” The whole experience is completely surreal for Yu and Nguyen and they will be dearly missed by every at MHS.

MHS will surely miss these several lucky Posse scholars.



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