Boda Borg Boson Coming to Malden

 A picture of a team trying to figure out how to get the spaceship running. Photo from Chad Ellis
A picture of a team trying to figure out how to get the spaceship running. Photo submitted by CEO of Boda Borg Boston,  Chad Ellis.

A new addition is coming to Malden, and will hopefully attract the attention of a variety of age groups. Boda Borg is an indoor questing simulation, originally from Sweden, where participants take on mental and physical challenges. Boda Borg’s themed quests take place in a variety of places such as an  aircraft, a house, outer space, etc. The Boda Borg experience can be described as being like a real life video game.

Chad Ellis, the CEO of Boda Borg Boston, believes that Malden was the perfect location because of its, “diverse community with families and young professionals.” Malden and many other cities in the Greater Boston area have seen a lot of growth from new businesses to new restaurants in the past few years. Ellis explains that the new Boda Borg in Malden will be, “in the middle of a renaissance that will see continued growth over the next decade.”

The construction of Boda Borg started in the fall of 2014, and is a complex project that needs time, so there is not set date for the opening quite yet. Boda Borg itself has been running for 20 years, and Ellis explains that, “[they are] getting their best Quests from all the other locations.”

When asked about the convenient location of Boda Borg Boston, Ellis expressed, “obviously a lot of fun for teenagers and kids but schools in Sweden travel from hours away because it’s also a place to develop important life skills like teamwork, creative problem-solving and persistence.”  

Not only will Boda Borg attract the attention of kids and teeangaers that live here in Malden, but it will also bring in people from older age groups and from other cities around Malden. Ellis explained that most of Boda Borg’s guests in Sweden are adults.

As a parent himself, Ellis says that he enjoys the fact that Boda Borg, “is one of the only activities [he knows] of where kids and adults can do it together as a team without anyone being left out or having to hold back. Kids are at an advantage in some challenges and adults in others, so family teams are often really effective.”

Once Boda Borg Boston opens, they do plan on creating new quests. Ellis says that, “[they] expect to change five or six Quests every year.” Not only are new Quests being made, but they are also looking to improve the existing ones.

Video from Boda Borg Boston: 

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