Best of luck to Blue and Gold alumni Lauren Benoit (Class of 2013) running in the Boston Marathon this Monday on April 20, 2015.
Here are updates for the week of April 20 on current events in Malden.
This is information pulled from morning announcements and the Tornado Times.
- Annual Boston Marathon on April 20 in Boston starts around 8:50.
- MHS will be holding our annual “Fill out your AP Answer Sheet & Booklet for All Your Exams” workshop after school in the Cafe B on TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY, 4/28 or 4/29. This is the week right after break. You do NOT need to attend both sessions, just one, but you MUST attend one.
- On April 29th 6:30pm–7:30pm the MHS library will be holding a public hearing concerning a potential new program at MHS. The program would serve over-age under-credit English language learners. The students can go towww.ideamalden.com to learn more and download the full plan.
- Special Olympics April 30th, see Ms. Scibelli in the main office for details.
- Seniors: Pay for cap and gown ($10) and AP exams to Ms. Sullivan at the main office due April 27th.
- Seniors: $40 off a tux rental can be yours when you log on to menswearhouse.com/prom. Take advantage of this offer! If you have questions ask, see Ms. Valente in the gallery.
- The Starr Center is open every Monday & Wednesday for all of your health needs and questions! Located in the nurse’s office, the Starr Center has a doctor and health counselor available at no cost to you.