Alumni Hall of Fame: George Holland

George Holland, a graduate of Malden High School’s class of 1955, cherishes the school and community of Malden immensely and continues to be an active participant. Holland believes that schools, especially here in Malden, give great opportunities to students to try a variety of different things, not only in the classroom, but also with extracurricular activities. He stated that “you are lucky if you find something [you love],” and for him personally, it was science and math.

Holland expressed that some of his fondest memories here at MHS were in the extracurricular articles offered. He  participated in many things, such as sports, theatre, and the Blue and Gold newspaper as a sports editor. Holland believes that through his experiences at MHS, he has grown and the school has helped shape him into the person he is today. He explained that there are “things that even though no one says you are learning it, you do learn it. If you pay attention it helps you down the road.” All of the different aspects of the school “help kids reach their full potential.”

Following his high school career, Holland went on to study at Boston College, being the first one in his family to attend college. Majoring in physics and minoring in math, he attained his masters degree and taught chemistry for a couple years at MHS. After some time, he went on to graduate school at Yale University, receiving a PhD in physics. After graduating, he worked at Yale to teach and research for several years before returning back to Malden.

First, he became head of the math department for two years, then assistant superintendent, onto superintendent of Malden. Holland explains that he enjoys these fields because it “suited [his] personality to be in the educational system. [Although], financially, it maybe was not the best choice, but [he] felt fulfilled with young people.”

As an active participant in the alumni association, Holland has watched the school grow both from the inside and outside. He believes that ever since he went to school up until now, the purpose has not changed, that “the fundamentals never changed, the goals remains the same.” Holland described physical changes to be the most significant changes the school has gone through. Most importantly, the diversity has developed. “Just incoming populations, now it is Chinese, Brazilians, new nationalities, the school tries to provide a pathway for students to go onto a successful career.

Holland greatly expresses his pride in the school and its growth. He encourages students to be grateful that they are living in this community, and have the chance to do great things. “They are given several opportunities, and whether they grasp it or not it is up to them, but it is in their reach.” Holland believes that the school is successful only through the students. One of the things the Alumni Association does every year is recognize the alumni who have succeeded, to show the students that “there are people who made it through Malden High School, and these people continue to be successful.”


To read another article about a different alumnus click here or to watch a video on the Hall of Fame click here.  

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