Behind the Scenes Breakfast Video Takes Third Place

Recently Mr.Valente’s class was awarded for their third place win for the 2015 Breakfast video contest. The video they created was titled “Behind the Scenes Breakfast”. This is an annual contest that any group of massachusetts high school students can take part in. First place winners are awarded with a $1,000 American Express® gift card to spend on the class. They will also be interviewed on “Urban Update”, a WHDH TV Program. Second place winners receive a $300 American Express® gift card for the class. Third place winners, this year students from MHS, win a $200 American Express® gift card to spend on the class.

Malden High has entered the contest many times over the past few years. Media teacher Mr. Valente describes the contest as “a great opportunity for our students to be able to work in a medium that they are familiar with and it actually is promoting something super positive, the idea of eating school breakfast.” MHS provides a great school breakfast program for students.  “For adults to tell kids to do things it is not necessarily something they will remember but when kids tell kids to do things, they listen.” explained Valente while addressing the pros of the breakfast video contest.

The contest requires participants to meet a lot of parameters such as the video needing to be thirty seconds long and having to include certain key terms throughout the duration of the video. The process of filming and creating the video “Behind the Scenes Breakfast” was a fun experience for everyone involved. Overall the filmmaking process was a joy for all, it was a bit challenging for everyone to conform the video to fit all of the specific parameters. Valente expressed that he thinks that the creativity and the fun comes from figuring out the question “can [our media group] really do what we want but still meet all of the criteria?”

Mr. Valente’s media class had won third place overall out of almost one-hundred different schools’ submissions. Senior Fitzgerald Eloi, Senior Joshua Cronin, Senior Kim Esperance and Junior Kavin Kulamavalavan created the Behind The Scenes Breakfast video.Junior Kavin Kulamavalavan helped the media three class out with their video after being asked to play the director in the video. The group worked on their video for about two days before completing the project. Kulamavalavan advises any MHS student considering joining the class to “just have fun and be creative.” Entering this contest is highly recommended for media students who wish to express their creativity while promoting a good and healthy program.

To view the contest’s website and the winning videos, click here:

To see behind the scenes footage of the MHS video, click here:

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