On Tuesday, October 13, the Democratic Party held its Primary Debate. All five Democratic candidates, including Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, made an appearance. 

It is well known that young adults and teens are part of the age group that does the least amount of voting. While the cause of this is generally unknown, I believe that the younger generation of this country needs to become more involved in its politics and government. Some people believe that their vote does not matter, that they are only one person. It is at this point that I would like to remind them that in 1960, John F. Kennedy won the popular vote by .2%. I encourage any young person to watch the news, to browse the politics section of CNN and see what’s happening in the current presidential race. Don’t feel as though you are bound to a single political party, choose the person who believes what you believe, regardless of their alignment. 

Below are some links that are meant to help clarify information on candidates from both parties, in addition to a link to an op-ed of the same topics by reporter Haley Mallet. 

Why This Election Matters to the Youth of Malden




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