Homepage Humans of Malden 11/10 Sam Martinez November 12, 2015 “I’ve been on this spiritual journey for a while now and I realize that the most important thing for me is just to be happy. I realize that anything that ever happened in my life is a result of my happiness. The first premise that we have to understand is that we’re whole and perfect as we are already, and then the rest of life is going to be fine. So many people stress out, and I do too sometimes. It’s because we’re all scared that we aren’t good enough. Our whole life we’ve been told we aren’t good enough from our teachers, our parents, ourselves. We’re so hard on ourselves, but you can love yourself and be happy with who you are. You can want all these cliche material things in the world, and while those things seem great, and I want them too, but you’re not going to get that stuff unless you’re happy with yourself first. Then everything will come into form. You just have to be willing to learn, willing to be receptive, and willing to love yourself.” #humansofmaldenhigh A photo posted by Humans of Malden High School (@_humansofmhs) on Nov 10, 2015 at 12:09pm PST Continue Reading Previous: The Community Preservation ActNext: Cell Phones: A Growing Addiction Related Stories Homepage Midseason Sports Making Waves: Swim Team’s Highlights Alexia Lima February 10, 2025 Homepage Fresh Starts: Creating Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions Hana Wanas February 6, 2025 Homepage Local 85th Junior Varieties: A Despicably Good Sneak Peek Evelyn Ruan February 6, 2025