Malden High School’s Environmental Club along with Preserve Malden have recently started a legislative act to add ballots that have the ability to expand Malden’s outdoor space. The Environmental Club has worked hard to get the act moving, and they put the choice into the ballots that were given out on Nov. 3 2015. The questions on the ballot asked Malden residents for a 1% surcharge on taxes to help preserve ballparks, green space for family gatherings, restore and repair historic historic monuments and buildings in the city, and to add to affordable housing.

The questions on the ballot included funding different environmental projects, but the one Malden really needs a “yes” on is question 3. Question 3, if passed, would fund the Community Preservation Act completely in Malden. The CPA is dedicated to funding four areas of environmental preservation: preserving open space, historic sights, funding affordable housing, and creating new outdoor recreation spaces.

Kathy Maglio, an environmental science teacher at MHS, is a big part of the club. Although the club is student run, Maglio helps plan events as well as provides information and new ideas. The Environmental Club and Preserve Malden receive money from the state to aid in their different proposals regarding Malden’s landscape. Maglio specified that because there is limited available space in Malden, the club is trying to preserve what is already there. “Money is given to preserve what we already have in Malden,” Maglio added.

Preserve Malden and the Environmental Club asked for online signatures to help put the question on the ballot and they acquired a total of 1,518 signatures. The club has been working hard to have the legislation in order, and results will be in soon regarding whether Malden will be able to be preserved. The entire Malden community will benefit from such preservation actions.  

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