The holidays always seem to creep up on us, leaving many scrambling to find last minute gifts, myself included. I usually opt for online shopping as stores are often hectic and sold out of merchandise around this time of year. But items I’ve recently tried to purchase are out of stock or on back order. I considered braving the chaos in the malls but instead I have chosen to make homemade gifts. 

Making gifts by hand adds a personal touch that can be lost in a store bought item. Those receiving the gifts are more likely to feel appreciated based on the time and effort put into the gift. 

I recommend  making items that are gender neutral so that you don’t have to do separate projects based on gender. Some of the gifts I intend to make this weekend are face scrubs, sugar cookies made from scratch, and candles. Though the face scrub and candles generally target women, food is a great choice for anyone. The scrub includes coconut oil with peppermint extract to add a holiday touch. Every year my mom and I bake sugar cookies so I’m not adding more to my plate but instead decreasing my work load as I plan to gift them to friends and family. As for the candles, I have never made them before so I’ll make sure to bake an extra batch of cookies if all else fails. 

Also, I’ve found that mason jars are very versatile. You can put different foods in it, turn it into a snow globe, or even make custom coasters using the lid. In the past I’ve received a personalized cd with some of my favorite songs that I still listen to in the car. 

You can easily find do it yourself gifts online, Pinterest being a popular choice. So if you’re as unprepared as I am for the quickly approaching holidays, hopefully you gained some gift ideas.  

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