Junior Pedro Lugo is one of the many athletes involved in boys indoor track who is adamant about bringing his team to champion status this season. Lugo has been participating in track since his sophomore year, and his tenacious work ethic and passion for the sport has made him an integral part of the team. Last year, he was a brand new member of the team – but that did not stop him from becoming a GBL and states qualifier. Lugo is seemingly a connoisseur of sports as he has also been apart of Malden High’s cherished football team. On the football field, he also brought to bear his athletic adeptness to contribute to his team’s success.

Although an overall sport enthusiast, Lugo recognizes track as a special sport. “[he is] very passionate towards track. It deserves the same amount of respect as any other sport. [He loves] running and also testing [his] speed with other runners,” explains Lugo. Track calls for cooperation among the team. Lugo describes that not only has the team they built a support system that encourages individual improvement, but teammates also accumulate score points that are necessary for the team to win. From practicing alongside runners to cheering each other on before and after meets, Lugo considers the unity of the team a crucial aspect to succeed in track.

Despite all of the rewards one obtains from track, Lugo does not underestimate the challenges the sport presents. In the beginning of each season, Lugo has to train himself to become accustomed to the sport’s requirements. Since it’s physically strenuous and runners must have consistency, Lugo has to get back into shape to keep up with the season’s events. It doesn’t only demand physical preparation. Lugo has to overcome the nerves that creep up before the races early in the season, describing the mental prowess that needs to be applied.

Once Lugo conquers track’s hurdles, the goals he has set appear on the horizon. He looks to help bring the team to victory in the upcoming GBL championship and representing Malden in states. Each season, there are opportunities waiting to be taken. “[His] favorite part of the season is the ending when you qualify for states. That’s when you have the most competition and you race to be the best in the state,” describes Lugo.

“[His] goals for the season is to hopefully stay healthy and keep building up [his] speed to get better. [He wants] to win as much races as [he] can to help [his] team get a GBL championship, and most importantly rep the city of Malden and [his] team good in every meet,” says Lugo. He looks forward to continuous teamwork and an exciting season, and hopefully winning the GBL championship.

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