Posse Scholarship: Emma Ceplinskas

Emma Ceplinskas posing for a photo. Photo by Meghan Yip.
Emma Ceplinskas posing for a photo. Photo by Meghan Yip.

Emma Ceplinskas, a senior at Malden High School, has been awarded with the Posse scholarship. The Posse Scholarship is given to people who work well in leadership positions and are academically talented.

Emma expressed that “[she] still hasn’t really processed” that she got the scholarship. The process consists of three interviews where the students have to be approved to move on to the next round. After having competed against people who were just as qualified as her, Ceplinskas said it was a relief when she finally found out that she received the scholarship to Denison University in Granville, Ohio.

When asked about her major in college, Ceplinskas explained that she is going in undecided but does not see that as a problem. “By going in undecided, it leaves [her] with more opportunities to pursue things that [she] might not have otherwise,” expressed Ceplinskas.

Although she is undecided, she is considering majoring in chemistry. It is obvious how interested Emma is about about the subject seeing as she is involved in the Chemistry Club. Her interest could in part be credited to chemistry teacher, Martin Berryman, her former AP chemistry teacher and current advisor to chemistry club. She talks about his class with fondness, mentioning that “he teaches with enthusiasm that makes the students want to learn more even outside of class.”

That does not make her decision clear though. Another option she is looking at is English Literature. This would be a promising choice considering her involvement in the newspaper and her talent in writing.

Chemistry Club is not the only club Emma is involved in right now. She is an Editor-in-Chief of online for The Blue and Gold newspaper. Not only that, but she is also captain for the tennis team and had played soccer up until junior year, only straying away from it this year due to her busy schedule.

While she is a hard worker she does make sure to enjoy her time outside of school. She advises that “you should enjoy your time at MHS because the four years go by really quickly.” Some of her interests include playing tennis, horseback riding, and spending time with friends.

Come next fall, Ceplinskas will be attending Denison University with a full, four year tuition scholarship provided to her by the Posse Foundation.

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