The Tornado Travelers Club is an amazing opportunity for Malden High School students, of any grade, to travel to places all over the world. A meeting on Dec. 8, 2015, gave information on the upcoming trips for 2016 and 2017 which include Washington D.C. in November of 2016, Puerto Rico in February of 2017, and China in April of 2017.

Math teachers Sarah Jones, who is advising the Puerto Rico trip, and Katy Kwong, advising the China trip, ran the meeting. Several parents and students showed up to the meeting, held in Cafe B. Parents and guardians took notes on the trips, and asked questions during a Q&A portion with the advisors.

Prices, accommodations, meals, medical necessities were all topics brought up by the parents in the room. The prices for the trips range from $1,100 to $4,200. Students tend to bunk up two or more to a room, depending on where you go. Meals are typically included, but some are dependent on you. Finally, if any student who needs medical attention, he will be able to visit a local doctor or hospital.

For those who could not attend the meeting, but plan on going on a trip in the near future, Jones expressed to make sure to get a down payment of $95 on your trip by Dec. 17, 2015 to lock in your price, which will increase afterwards.

There is a fundraising meeting on Dec.17, 2015 in room B442, for those interested in raising money to help pay for your trips.


In a previous version of this article, the cost of the trips were said to cost between $1,100 and $6,000. This is incorrect, and the trips actually cost between $1,100 and $4,200.

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