Senior Edward Gu serving the ball. Photo by Ailin Toro.

On Apr. 6, 2016 the first boys tennis game of the season took place against Haverhill. Games were originally scheduled for Apr. 4 and 5 against Lowell and North Reading but they were cancelled due to poor weather conditions.These games were rescheduled for Apr. 14 and a later date in May.
Before the matches started, players paired up and practiced with each other. Then both teams lined up for introductions.
Despite the cold weather, both teams put up a good fight. But Haverhill ended up winning the match overall. Coach Julie Briggs stated, “There were a lot of would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve [moments], [but they] will not make those mistakes again.”
Senior Ryan Wong stated that he wants to work on being “more consistent with [his] hitting ability throughout the season” and added that “many of [the players] on the team just need to polish [their] game with basics such as footwork, serving, and hitting.”
The team looks to improve for their upcoming matches. Their next match is to take place against Medford on Apr. 13, 2016.