Baseball Profile: Freshman Reid Kankel

As a freshman trying out for a high school sport can be intimidating. However, no matter what grade he may be in, every high school athlete’s ultimate goal is to make it onto to the varsity team. This goal was easily reached for freshmen Reid Kankel when he tried out for the baseball team. Kankel became the only freshmen on this year’s varsity baseball team. Not only did he make varsity but he soon became the team’s starting third basemen and a key component in the line up. “He’s the type of player that’s not going to let adversity bother him, he’s going to play the game regardless of the outcome and give everything he has at every moment,” stated senior captain Ronnie Luke on the newcomer.

Kankel decided to try out for baseball this year because he has been playing since the age of five. He had previously been on many different teams throughout the years and decided that high school baseball would be the best level he could possibly be playing at right now. High school baseball has been nothing like he expected it to be. “Being on the varsity baseball has been an amazing experience. [He has]learned a lot and the guys are great people,” stated Kankel. Kankel added that being part of the team this season has been “an experience that [he] will not forget.”  

He was nervous about being the youngest on the team but he has been able to learn from the upperclassmen. His teammates have taught him to let his mistakes go instead of dwell on the things he could have done better because he has time to grow and improve. Kankel plans to apply his improvements from this baseball season and transfer it over to his AAU team, the Show Baseball Academy.

Though only a freshman, Kankel knows that the baseball team is unlike any other team at the high school because of the players’ strong bonds. “[They] are all friends and respect each other’s talents,” Kankel stated. Their team chemistry sets them apart from any other team and enables them to work well together on the field.

So far, Kankel’s favorite memory from the season has been winning against a Greater Boston League rival, Medford, on their home field. “It felt amazing to do it. It put everyone in a good mood,” commented Kankel. As for advice that he has to offer to other incoming freshmen that will be trying out for a high school sports team, he emphasizes to not “be afraid to step up when the time comes.” There are high expectations for Kankel in the coming years. 

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