Girls Lacrosse Profile: Senior Vanise Loc

Senior Vanise Loc on the field during her game. Photo by Anna Powers.
Senior Vanise Loc on the field during her game. Photo by Anna Powers.

What influenced you to play lacrosse?

“It was freshman year when I joined the lacrosse team. Like most freshman, I was debating between many different spring sports but my friend’s older sister was already on the lacrosse team and she strongly encouraged me to go to tryouts. I ended up really loving the sport and the people on the team. It was a completely new environment for me, but all the other girls were extremely friendly and welcoming.”

What is the best piece of advice that your coach has given you?

“Coach Prickitt is definitely one of the most positive and uplifting coaches at Malden High. She’ll make us do sprints and run when she catches us slacking off, but that’s only because she wants the best for our team. She sees our team’s growing potential and constantly reminds us that we’re Malden and we’re capable of achieving more if we put in the skills we’ve practiced and give it our all. Not only does she help us become better lacrosse players, but she also encourages us to be better people. We’re always expected to uphold high levels of sportsmanship even when the teams we play don’t act respectfully. We’re reminded that we’re from Malden and we represent better character and morals than our rival teams.”

What advice would you give to new lacrosse players?

“Most of us started lacrosse as a freshman and we know how difficult it is to pick up a brand new sport. Just keep trying and you’ll see more improvement with practice. All the running that we do is only beneficial, so push through it. You’ll feel so accomplished afterwards.”

What is something that you are going to miss about the team?

“I’ll definitely miss all the team bus rides and all the laughs that we shared throughout the season. All the jokes and laughs made the hard practices a little more enjoyable. We’re constantly picking each other up and encouraging each other to strive harder because we know that we’re only as strong as our weakest link.”

What was your favorite team bonding activity?

“The pasta parties we had were really fun. It was a more relaxed environment from our usual outdoor practices. We got to know our teammates a lot better and all the laughs we shared will always be something I won’t forget.”

What do you think you have most improved on as a lacrosse player?

“As a lacrosse player, I’ve learned the true meaning of “There’s no ‘I’ in team.” Rather than running the ball down the field to goal, it’s best to trust your teammates and pass the ball to other players. I’ve learned that in order to be a good lacrosse player, you must have trust in others as well as find trust and confidence in yourself. Throughout these four years, I think I’ve improved on being a better teammate. When someone tells you to switch positions or move to a different part of the field, you just have to go with it because every decision is only made for the better of our team.”

Who motivates you to play?

“My sister Brenda, who’s a freshman, is definitely my motivation. I play my best on the field to set a good example for her to follow. Being on varsity, we’re constantly reminded to be role models for our JV team to look up to.”

What are you going to miss most about Malden High?

“I’ll miss having the comfort of seeing familiar faces and being around such great people. Going to Malden High had definitely given me a lot of experiences that others weren’t fortunate enough to have. Being at such a diverse school, it was so easy to make friends and feel the sense of belonging. It’s hard to come across a school where everyone is just so accepting. I’m genuinely grateful for this experience that I’ve gained from being at Malden High School. The teachers and faculty definitely tries their hardest to see the students here succeed beyond what they think they are capable of. They mold us to become model citizens, future leaders, and better human beings. Attending MCPHS this Fall, I’ll be surrounded by a completely new group of people but no matter where I go, I’ll bring all the positive values that Malden High School had instilled within me.”

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