Senior Edward Gu serving the ball. Photo by Ailin Toro.

Senior Edward Gu has played on the varsity boys tennis team for three years. He started playing tennis his freshman year because he “wanted to try a different sport other than track …and eventually decided on tennis and stayed with it throughout the years,” stated Gu. Gu plans to continue playing after high school though not competitively.
Gu’s hobbies outside of tennis include biking and spending time with friends. He is a member of Key Club, the Ymca Leaders club, and is the historian for the ping pong club. In terms of school, his favorite class is Italian with his favorite teacher Adrienne D’agastino.
Gu is grateful for his tennis coach, Julie Briggs, for coaching him throughout the years and mentioned that one of his fondest memories is “getting food after games with [her because she] always makes everything more fun a.” He described the team as “a close knit community.” He continued to say that “they are so much more than just a team.”
As a member of the tennis team, Gu “learned that tennis is more of a mental sport than anything else and that people end up losing to themselves most of the time.” He is proud of gaining the title of GBL all star last year and “most importantly, making it throughout the four years and getting into college.” Gu has decided to attend University of Massachusetts Amherst but has not yet decided on his major, though he is leaning towards computer science.
Gu looks to end the season strong and will miss playing with his teammates after this year.