Play Pro: Previewing Godspell, A New Production

Malden High School’s Play Production is preparing for their opening show of the year, Godspell. Godspell is the retelling of the gospel of Matthew in musical form. It goes through the teachings of Jesus.

When asked Sean Walsh says Godspell was chosen as the opening play because he “really loves the music” and since there are a lot of new students “it is a way to get them involved” because it’s a very “physical and intense show.” Last year the plays were mainly plot based so Walsh wanted to do an “ensemble focused show.”

Allen Phelps, Play Pro’s technical director, adds on saying that he thought “this would be a great show” and he has a lot of experience in it since he has performed in this show three times when he acted professionally.

When asked about how he feels about the new members Walsh says that he loves their energy. He feels that they are “understanding the commitment” that the class entails and that they have already begun to support each other and overall clicked. Phelps comments on the returning members saying that they are “good leaders” and that since they have been around for years “they understand how the program works.”

Play Production actors learning a new dance. Photo taken by Ailin Toro.
Play Production actors learning a new dance. Photo taken by Ailin Toro.

As far as bumps in the road in the technology department Phelps notes that most problems don’t arise until they start building the set which this year will start in the beginning of November. Phelps also mentions the students are mainly in charge of the designing. He mentions that he is really happy with the “new tech workers and their commitment to working hard every class.”

Senior Nic Acuna, who is playing Judas, is excited because this is the first time he will have a lead role. This play will also show a new side to him because he gets to play a role unlike what he has played before since his other roles haven’t been very serious. He feels that rehearsals up until now have been “going really good” and hopes they stay that way. He feels it it will be really good and wants to tell everyone “to come watch the show.”

Up until now, not many problems have arose but Walsh does bring up that they are behind. He says that so far they only gone through the first three opening numbers so overall only a third of the way finished. He is confident they will catch up though and is excited about the end results.

You can watch Godspell in Malden High School’s Jenkins auditorium on November 17th,18th, and 19th. You can also watch the Play Pro members perform a song from Godspell at Dancing With the Teachers on October 20th.

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