Participants gathering and getting ready for the run. Photo taken by Ana Pirosca.
To many who knew Josue “Danny” Daniel Quispe, this was a moment filled with unexplainable emotion. To those who were there to show support, it was a moment to remember to appreciate life and everything it has to offer.
Last year, Malden High School lost an amazing student. It came as a shock when the bright, happy, and hopeful Danny, was found washed ashore. The loss shook his family and many other people. But when one loses something, they also gain something. The first annual Danny’s Run, was held November 13th. This charity run was to commemorate Josue’s love for giving back to his community, so all proceeds went to St. Jude’s Cancer Research Hospital.
Before the run, everyone gathered for a word of prayer guided by Danny’s church pastor. Then with the help of Mrs. Quispe, the run began. Many students, and adults came to show support to his mother, father, and sister and carry on his memory. Danny was known for being part of the cross country, indoor and outdoor track team. That being said, the whole cross country team, along with coach David Londino, walked the course to show support.

After the run, people were happy, talking about running, and relaxing in the morning air. One of the things that stood out about Danny was his love for life. His father spoke about how the run really let Danny’s love for life live on by letting people do something in which they can love life. Londino gave a speech about how Danny was as a person and he said, “one of [his] vivid memories of Danny was during a practice, it was a rather nice day, the sun was out- it was a good day to run… and we’re doing a workout, and [he saw] Danny fly through a first lap… then a second… and [he says] ‘Danny, slow down. What’s the rush?’ and he looks at [him] and says ‘Coach it’s just a good day’ … and that’s what was great about Danny. He didn’t have a good day because of anything else… just that the day was nice.”