Malden High School Key Club is a student-run club that contributes locally and to the Greater Boston Area by helping out in events. These events include walks were they  cheer the participants on and help them get through it, volunteering at the senior center, and working with Title One at the middle schools in Malden. The club works closely with the Chinese Culture Connection as well.

Senior Nicholas Luong, junior Cindy Siu, and senior Lynn Nguyen have all been part of the club since their freshman year. All members of the club joined because they thought it was a great way to be involved in their community and do something instead of sit at home and do nothing. Luong, who is the president of the club, stated that he joined “because of [his] two cousins who are Malden High School graduates. They said it was a great way to spend free time.”

Nguyen, who is the treasurer, joined as well because of her sister and people from her church. “They told [her] that it was really fun, a great way to make new friends, and it looks good on college resumes which is a plus,” she stated. Siu, the historian, joined for the same reasons too.

The Key Club has influenced and impacted the students in a positive light. Luong stated that, “[he] has grown as a person. Before, [he] was a scared freshman who didn’t want to do anything.” Then, through the club, he made a lot of friends and eventually became the leader of the club.

Key Club shrine. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.
Key Club shrine. Photo taken by Josandy Jeune.

For Nguyen, the club influenced her to start volunteering more, and getting more involved with her community instead of doing nothing and “staying home and being boring,” Nguyen said.

What all three officers enjoy about the club is that “it’s very independent,” Luong says. He likes how, “it’s not as strict as other volunteer clubs like the YMCA Leadership Club where you need a certain number of hours to stay a member. You show up on your own time and volunteer on a schedule that’s best for you.”

Luong tries to keep an environment that’s free-flowing. Siu enjoys how fun the club is and the enthusiasm the members share. Nguyen likes that, “it gives you a chance to explore what you like, and if you enjoy community service.”

The advisor of the club is Melissa Macey, an English teacher at Malden High School. She’s been the advisor for three years. Her role as advisor is to make sure that the club has events, that there is communication between the club members and the officers, that they are fulfilling their mission statement, getting signatures that are needed for certain events, and making sure the club acts in a mature and responsible manner. All in all, she is here to guide the club and is more behind the scenes.

She thinks the club has become really successful throughout Malden and with certain organizations. They are known to be very reliable, and accommodating. The students are very mature too. She finds that a real testament to not only the students of the club but the Malden High School as a whole.

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