Wrestling team working out in the weight room together. Photo taken by Sabrina Monteiro.
With the start of the new season, the wrestling team is back in the weight room. Holding leadership positions are junior Wisly Pericles, Jr. and senior Deya Chouiki. They both are very excited for this upcoming season and what it will bring. Between having high hopes for this season and determined to accomplish both team and personal goals, they believe it these goals will be met. The season so far has been going pretty well for the wrestling team. Chouiki says that “the season has been off to a pretty great start. This has been the most wrestlers [they’ve] had in the past three years. Everyone looks ready for this season and the Captains Councils were successful.”
One of their goals set in mind is to not have everything be individual. When they compete, usually mostly everything would be individual wins, but the team is focused this year on team wins also. Pericles mention that “there are a lot of new people this season and [they] did lose a lot of seniors who were in leadership position, but the new members will make up for that.” Both Pericles and Chouiki are aiming for the wrestling team to turn into a family, competing, and achieving team goals as well as individual goals.
The coach of the wrestling team in Rin Yan. When students tried out, Yan was looking with kids who have a lot of aggression and enthusiasm. He would like to see where the team needs to improve since it is only the start of the season. He hopes to improve the lifestyle of the team and help them get in shape. Yan stated that “one of the kids asked [him] if pumpkin pie is protein. [I] hope to teach them better than that.”
Yan believes that the team has it strengths as well a it’s weaknesses. There strengths include that they are very enthusiastic, excited to show up to practice, and aggressive. Meanwhile, when they show up to practice they like to play around too much. This being there last year to participate in GBL it didn’t really affect the team Yan states. They have always been playing against non GBL teams in the past because there was only two to three wrestling teams in GBL.
All in all with the start of new season everyone seems very excited with the upcoming season. Everyone on the team had different reasons for joining but the team is coming together like a family. Whether they joined to stay in shape or try to get in shape everyone is pushing themselves to be the best version of them.