Multicultural Club Hosts Bake Sale

From Left to Right: Senior Lynn Nguyen, Arsema Paulos, Arthiya Sathiyendra. Photo taken by Angelina Prum.

Malden High School’s Multicultural Club hosted a bake sale that included sweet and savory treats from different cultures around the world. This event held place in front of the main office from 2:15pm to 3:15 pm on December 13th. This club is advised by English teacher Yahaira Márquez. The Multicultural Club is a diverse club that includes the many cultures thriving at Malden High School.

The bake sale included many different treats from regions throughout the world. One treat included was a vietnamese eggroll. The eggroll is popular throughout all of Asia and they have all different types, but the ones served at the bake sale were a Vietnamese version sold for $1. At the bake sale they also had a Peru treat called the Alfajores sold at 2 for $1. They are delicate cookies made with cornstarch. They were priced at 2 for a dollar. They also had a Ethiopian treat called a Sambusa, which made with lentils and other herbs, that was sold for $1.

Sophomore Jenny Nguyen stated that the Sambusa’s were “very delicious” and “worth her dollar”. The bake sale also had sweet treats like the cannoli from Italy.

Freshman Jamie Wu stated they were “the perfect treat” after a long school day. Other treats they had were Haitian treat, Pate, Indian snack Murukki, Japanese dessert Mochi, and a Brazilian dessert passion fruit mousse.

Senior Andrea Martinez Merino, who has been member of the Multicultural Club for three years, stated that it was a good way to start off the year with a bake sale which people “would be able to enjoy cuisine from around the world and also be able to share it with students and staff alike”.

The Multicultural Club values students being proud of their heritage and brings people together in a safe and fun environment. Merino described the goal of Multicultural Club is to “celebrate what makes each culture and all of the people in our community unique in a fun and respectful manner”.The Multicultural Club is also preparing for their Annual Multicultural Night celebration in spring.


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