Malden High runners getting the rules explained to them by an Official. Photo by David Lombardi.

By David Lombardi and Anna Silva 

Remaining undefeated is Malden High School’s Boys Indoor Track Team with their record of 5-0. They started their season off with a win over Beverly and continued their winning streak when they went up against Marblehead, Danvers, and Revere. Most recently, they beat Everett 53-32 Monday, January 8th.

Senior Matt Chin couldn’t be any happier with the team and how they are doing. When asked about the team and how they are doing, he said that “[the team] had an intense meet against Danvers, but [they are] doing great, [they are] working as a unit.” What he wishes to accomplish in the future and what to do after school, he says “[he] is still searching for a spot at States and trying to qualify this season, college next year, [he] doesn’t know which yet. Whether [he] does depends on the school [he] attends next year, if they are too competitive [he] might do recreational or intramurals. If [he] has the opportunity to, [he] definitely will.”

During high school, Chin talks about who and what made his track years enjoyable. He started as a freshman and he talks about what influenced him to join track was “ The cross country team during [his] freshman year.”  Track inspired Chin’s high school experience as it has “given [him] confidence to approach everything, not just athletics, with an open mind and my best effort.” Some things that he overcame and what to overcome are to achieve in his afterlife after high school is “breaking through the early season rust of not hurdling since outdoor last year, basically getting [his] technique down in hurdling and improving as the season goes on.  Chin also participates in Outdoor Track, as “[he] likes the warm weather and being outside, but both track seasons are great.”

Senior Arthur Kossoski has started indoor track this year and has been doing volleyball for three years. When asked about the team and how they were doing, he said “The team is doing great so far. In the boys’ side, [they] won all the meets so far.” What Kossoski wishes to do in the future is and plans are “to end the season great, [he] want to make states, but as it is [his] first year on track, it might be hard. [He] can connect the sport with my life, because it might be hard, it might hurt, it might seem impossible, but [he] wants to keep trying, to keep going, [he] has to be determined enough to reach [his] goals, [he does not] plan to do this in college, [he] plans to play volleyball in college.”

The boys hope to continue their winning streak and go undefeated the rest of this season, and hope to compete at the state tournament.

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