Photo taken by Jesaias Benitez.

With the Girls Lacrosse season ending, the players on the team reflect on their season and the different games they experienced. Overall, the team ended the season five wins.

The Girls Lacrosse team was proud of their performance this season as sophomore defensive player Amy Ngu, mentions that the season was great and the team had a strong chemistry which impacted the team member’s performances this season.

Sophomore Jazaiah Morse Brooks additionally states that overall the season was “very impressive the team has improved drastically from the beginning to now.”

Although the team has improved much from the beginning of the season, many of them included what they believe they needed to improve on next season.

Ngu comments that she needs to improve on staying determined throughout the game and “keeping myself composed because it’s hard to keep it together when you’re playing a game and the score is really close to each other.” While Brooks adds that she personally wants to improve on the sport from all different points.

According to junior Kristina Vo, the team improved as a whole, but the team still has to improve on together is “staying to our position because most of the time there was always someone open, we don’t want anyone open because it’s easier for them to pass to another person or to score.”

Some people that stood out during the season would be freshman Kaitlyn Mini. Ngu observed that throughout the season that it was Mini’s “first year picking up a stick”, however, she managed to “wow everyone.”

Throughout the season, the bonding of the team has grew. Although since the beginning of the season the team was already pretty close, Brooks states that “as a returning player, [she] would say that [they] were very welcoming for the new players [they] love getting new girls to join [their] program and they came with open arms and ready to play.” The team “played and practiced as a team with a strong bond” and continues to describe that as the season moved along the bond was even deeper.

For future seasons, the girls mention that they hope to keep the same drills and possibly add in even better ones.

One of the significant games that the girls had was Senior Night, as well as the win against Saugus with a final score of 10-9.

Vo says that the game was “different, because [they] went into overtime and that made [their] team push harder than we have before especially since it was [their] senior night game.” By the end of the game, some of the people that the team believed to have stood out were two players, senior captain Leila Greige and freshman Kaitlyn Mini. Vo explains that “[Greige] played her heart out and it was her senior game. [Mini] scored the winning goal and she always pushes herself to get better.”

Freshman Brianna Preston was also in the game, but due to her injuries she was not able to play, but she adds onto the statement made by Vo, explaining that one of the players that stood out was Greige.

With only one senior on the team this year, the girls quote what they wanted to say about Greige.

Preston says that they are “going to really miss her next season”, with Greige being a “huge inspiration to the team” and “[she] would like to play up to her level in the future.”

Ngu says that Greige has been “a great captain and a friend and that she would be the one to motivate you to push yourself a little bit more.” From her experience, Ngu had some tough times during practice but “[she] could always count on [Greige] to be beside [her] to help [her] push through.”

Brooks states that “[Greige] was an amazing captain and an amazing backbone for the team. She always made sure everyone had what they needed and she always made sure [they] were playing [their] hardest. [They] will always be thankful for her.”

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