The Upcoming Malden Music Festival 2018

The Malden Music Festival is just around the corner. This event offers dancing and having a good time. It will take place on May 19th at the Salemwood School field and tickets will be sold for $5 at the door.

Malden High School’s music teacher and festival coordinator, Erin O’Brien Mazza, “is mostly looking forward to seeing the community come out and have a good time.” She stated that “it’s really fun for [her] to look out at the festival and hear wonderful music, see kids getting their face painted, community members laughing and dancing, and high school kids playing!”

Photo submitted by Erin O’Brien Mazza.

Mazza said that she is trying to do things differently than last year, like “making the entrance fee a little cheaper this year, having a stage, and providing more of a variety of food. [They] will have Spanish food, pizza, snacks and a bake sale.” Some of the activities for kids to enjoy will be face painting, can-jam, spike ball, board games and more. 

Some difficulties in preparing for the event have to do with the fact that “There are so many things to think about and so many little pieces that need to fall into place. The biggest thing to plan is getting the artists. [They] need to make sure schedules align, equipment is provided and times frames line up. Many of the artists perform in many different venues, so [they are] lucky to have [them] take time out of the schedules to perform for [their] event. [They] also need to work out all the details for the food that [they] will sell.”

Some of the people helping out are from the YMCA and “a lot more performers from the area” says Mazza. All of the money will be a benefit to the music classes in middle and high schools, “The money this year is going to meet the needs of the middle school and high school music departments. There are a lot of programs in the district, especially at the middle school level that could use more resources like sheet music, instrument repairs, instruments and so much more. Our hope is that we have enough community members come out to support and we raise a large sum of money to share with everyone! In the future years, we hope to raise support for all of the music and art departments.”

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