What’s one thing that’ll help me come out of my shell?

Nedlam is a safe space to ask about anything you may be experiencing in your life, both academically and socially. For example, if you are having problems with a friendship, relationship, family member, school etc, Nedlam is here to offer advice. It is also anonymous so no one will know who you are.  If you need help beyond what Nedlam can do for you, please ask for help from a teacher or adjustment counselor.

Dear Anonymous,

Hi there! I am so glad you reached out, this is the first step of getting out of your shell! Getting out of your comfort zone is hard, I will admit, but trust me when I say that most of the time, there will be a positive outcome from doing so. There are plenty of ways to become more social, here are a few tips: Baby steps first. You can start a conversation with someone that sits next to you in class. Begin with a simple “hello” and build your way up by complimenting them. Chances are, they’ll compliment you back or say “thank you,” but either way they’re then becoming curious and engaged so you can ask them their name and a follow up question like, “how is your day going so far?”

However, this method can also backfire, but don’t let it scare you because rejection is the beginning of progress. There will be times where the person won’t show any interest, but just know that it’s not your fault. Some people aren’t as kind as others.

Another thing you can try is joining a club or sport. Doing extracurriculars is a great way to meet new people. It’s vital that you know the people you are spending so much time with when doing these activities and so you’re bound to make some friends.

Let me know if my advice worked. We’ll keep in touch!

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