Malden High did it again, providing a Back to School Night for parents and students to attend. The event was held on Monday, September 24th, 2018 from five o’clock to seven o’clock. Although there were some miscommunications with getting the word out due to technical difficulties with phone calls, parents who did get the word were pleased.
This year principal, Chris Mastrangelo changed the way introductions were made between teachers and students.This was done in the hopes that the hallways would be less crowded, and the parents would have an easier time navigating the large high school. All teachers of the same subject and level were put into the same classroom, unlike last year when each teacher was in their own classroom. “It was a helpful event but confusing at first. [She] liked the set up last year when everyone was in their own room” said Ava Pizzaferri, a sophomore student at MHS.
The new changes made with parents not having to travel as far pleased MHS Spanish teacher Caroline Lorenz, who, when asked what was one thing she would change about back to school night she responded, “[She admires] parents for taking on the challenge of changing classes in 4 minutes! MHS is a big building and confusing at first, so it might be nice if they could visit classes without a strict schedule.”
Parents, teachers, and students alike all agreed that events like these are a part of the students’ success. One of Malden High’s chemistry teachers, Katherine Haskell, said she thinks “it is good to get the parents in [here] early and meet the parents of your new students and get to know them. Having that connection with home and school right off the bat so that if there are issues, we can address them and be able to contact one another.”
During the event, parents got to learn a little about their childrens’ classes. “This year [teachers] explained [their] grading policies, what [they] look for in class participation, and how students can study and engage with Spanish at home” said Lorenz. With every school year comes a new set of challenges which is why having events like Back to School Night really holds the school together.
Current sophomore student at MHS, Grayson Garside, said he thinks “It can be helpful for parents to find out how to get in touch with teachers and know how their child is doing in school.” Parents also found this event to be beneficial when it comes to getting in touch with teachers since parents do not often know because their children do not tell them.
With the help from Back to School Night, Garside said “[her] mom learned when teachers are available so she can encourage [her] to get help.” She also saw what kind of things “[she] will be learning so she can understand what [she is] doing in school” and believes it is beneficial for both parents and students.