Malden/Revere Hockey Team Continues to Fight Through Adversity

Senior Marc Giordano winding up to take a slap-shot. Photo from 2017-18 B&G archives.

This season has been a pretty difficult season for the Revere/Malden high hockey team. With a current record of 0-7-1, Coach Ciccarello said that “[They] have not found the ability to score goals in big moments of the game and [have not had] the ability to come back,” and that “they could make better decisions with the puck, and stop getting penalties.”

The team is a merger between between both Malden High and Revere High. Though the team is a combination of both Malden and Revere, it doesn’t seem to be affecting the team too much, with coach Ciccarello stating that “[He has] not seen any strain on the relationship since the merger started.” He also mentioned how the two cities merged for youth hockey, so “many of these kids have played together before high school.”

With the team already being halfway through the season, both strengths and weaknesses have emerged. Although the team’s record may not be perfect, coach Ciccarello mentioned how “[their] defense has much more experience overall,” and that “[their] goalie, JT Bowdridge from Malden, has been playing really well.” One of the games that went well for the team that showed many of their strengths was the game against Everett, which coach Ciccarello described as “[them] skating hard and [taking] the open ice that [Everett] gave [them].”

For weaknesses this season, coach Ciccarello said that “[they] could make better decisions with the puck, and get more shots on net and stop getting penalties.” One of the games that especially showed weakness was the Gloucester game. Coach Ciccarello described them as being “strong skaters” and that he “think[s] [they] did a good job of containing for a while then penalties killed [them].” Ciccarello also mentioned how “outside of a few games, [they] have been in most games. However, again, [they] failed to get the key goal to get back in these games.”

Since the season is halfway over, some goals have been met, while others have come to light. For coach Ciccarello, he said how “[he] want[s] to keep playing hard and fight the rest of the way,” and that “regardless of [their] record, [he doesn’t] want anyone to quit or lose interest because [they] don’t have a good record.”

Overall, the team is playing a really difficult season, with the team fighting on regardless of their record. They seem really determined to continue the season, and whether they are losing or not, are going to keep coming back and fighting.

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