Seth Moulton is Running for President

Seth Moulton. Photo from Seth Moulton’s website.

Seth Moulton, a Harvard-educated Marine veteran, is running for the 2020 presidential election. He is also a Massachusetts representative and is forty years old, making him the youngest president in American history if elected.

He joined the field of a growing group of Democratic candidates, which makes him the 19th candidate to enter. Since he is a veteran, he also wants other veterans to engage in running for positions in Congress. During his time in the District of Massachusetts, he passed many bills that were beneficial for veterans. For an example, the bills were aimed at improving the healthcare that was provided for them and making government travel more effective.

Moulton is also against Donald Trump being president because he says that he’s “not a patriot.” In a campaign launch video, he said he is running because “we have to beat Donald Trump, and [he] want us to beat Donald Trump because [he] love[s] this country. We’ve never been a country that gets everything right. But we’re a country that, at our best, thinks that we might.” Unlike most Democrats, he is very open about announcing his challenge against Trump. He disagrees with Donald Trump’s claim that the Department of Veteran affairs isn’t in need of fixing. Moulton told CNN’s Jake Tapper that veterans “deserve the best healthcare in the world — period.” He is very determined to change the ways veterans are treated.

Moulton was Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is an Iraq War veteran; he has done four combat tours there, in which he earned two medals in due to his service. On ABC’s Good Morning America, Moulton said “It’s time for that generation that fought in Iraq to take over for the generation that sent us there.” He wants to bring this country back together, and he is specifically talking about “patriotism, security, and service.”

He is going against the two frontrunners, Bernie Sanders and former vice president, Joe Biden. To have a chance in winning, Moulton must do well in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He also needs to get past senator Elizabeth Warren to win the area of New England because that’s the only chance he has that would guarantee him a place in the presidential race.

One problem he has is that he is not visible outside his district. He’s also the only Democrat candidate that focused on national security policy and improving the service provided for veterans. On ABC’s Good Morning America, he said “I’m here to tell you and to tell America that I’m running for president of the United States” and it might be a little troublesome to get to the top but that’s his mission.

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