Class of 2022 Anticipate Their Long Awaited Class Elections

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to favor any candidates. 

The Class of 2022 has begun the election process. With the recent addition of having a class adviser, the students were finally able to begin elections. The elections are very competitive this year with so many people running for positions.

Candidates flyers posted on bulletin board in the third floor of the Jenkins building. Photo taken by Julie Yu.

The students are eager to provoke change for their class and to have more fundraising opportunities. Running for President are candidates Alain Joseph, Jennifer Machado, and Verlineca Bellange. Joseph “[has] always wanted to run for a political position,” but one of the main reasons he decided to run for president is because he “wants to be a politician when [he] grows up.” The presidency was “the perfect opportunity for [him] to listen to other people’s ideas and implement them.” His main goal would be to “open up the decision making process to [the student body]” and “allow everyone in [their] grade to have an equal voice.”

The position of Vice President has the most candidates running with seven people in the race. Candidate Lillyana Mayo has “always dreamed of being Vice President.” She is “determined for [their] class to succeed,” and has “always been the type of person who take charge in situations.” Mayo is involved in many clubs and activities for school and out of school. She volunteers at a hospital every week, is apart of National Honors Society, and various leadership clubs. Mayo stated “[she has] always been a very hardworking and responsible person,” that has “good time management skills,” and “knows how to balance [her] school life with [her] social life.” She has “many goals for [their] class” like making “sure that [their] class is right at the top and is not affected in any way,” from the late elections. Mayo has many ideas for fundraisers such as a karaoke night and Homemade Color Run. She also wants to hold an assembly on bullying to “ensure a safer and more comfortable atmosphere for [their] class.” The campaign process has been “so much fun” for Mayo and she has “made many new friends” along the way. 

Sarah Oliveira has “fantasized over the idea of running for a position” since she was in middle school. She likes the “idea of leadership and representing” and “would represent [her] class in every way a vice should.” Her goal as part of the student council would be “ to be a part of the most effective student body council.” Oliveira has “bright plans for [the class of 22s] future” and is “as committed as a vice president should be.”

The Secretary position has many people running as well. Leslie Rodriguez decided to run for a class position due to her interest in politics and “[thought] it would be fun.” She wanted to mix both and “have [her] own fun in school, but also get the chance to do something for [the] class.” Rodriguez wants to enjoy a new experience and “make sure everybody has a good time this year and the years to come.” The campaign process has been very competitive and challenging, as she sees all the other campaign posters. Her goal as secretary would be to “make sure that [she] tries to get to know everybody,” and “make sure that whatever [she] says is heard.”

Sammie Nie is running for the treasurer position along with three other candidates. Nie’s sister graduated as an officer last year, which prompted her to run for her class. Seeing the accomplishments “her [sister’s] class made and their ability to create solutions with confidence,” inspired her. With the late elections prohibiting the class from fundraising, Nie believes it would certainly “create a dent and shift in [their] class.” Her “past experiences with finance” help her with handling the position of treasurer. Nie is “great with time management” as she is taking advanced academic classes, sports, and running for an officer position. One goal for her is to “make more money for the class with events that are not time or labor inducing and yet benefits the future of the class and the enjoyment of everyone.” Her personal goal for the class is for everyone to be more inclusive. She believes “Being an officer is not just focusing on your own position,” but being a role model for the whole community.

Social Media and Marketing Coordinator has three candidates running. Becky Tse wants to run for this specific position “because, personally, [she] likes helping people,” and this position allows her to help the class with many activities. Tse “would help brainstorm different ideas for raising money faster” so that the class will have better events in the future. 

Candidate Linda Lama has “always been interested in joining the student council.” Growing up, she looked up to the people that affected her life and “most of them had led some sort of group, organization, fundraiser and other things to help people.” Her goal is to “to advertise [their] future events and fundraisers to get students excited and to feel comfortable to participate.” She chose to run for this position because “it was the best fit for [her] and a great way to contribute [her] marketing skills.” Lama has “had some small bumps the past two weeks” with the campaigning, however with elections around the corner, “the candidates are even more competitive and anxious about hearing the results.”

The last position is photography and video coordinator. Class of 2022 advisor, Daniel Jurkowski, decided to change the historian position into something that would make more sense for students to understand. Sophomores Tony Geich and Sara Dzaferagic are running against each other for this position. Dzaferagic has been involved with both fundraisers that the class of 2022 have held. With elections beginning so late in the year, she believes the fundraisers “has helped enormously because [they would] be starting with money in the bank.” Being apart of the fundraisers prompted her to “take the next step in being involved.” This position is “a good fit for [her],…because [she] wants to capture moments at [the] events through photo and video.”

Jurkowski explained the new voting system that was implemented this year. Instead of a paper ballot, students will be voting online. This is to ensure that everyone votes only once and no cheating is involved. Ballots will open at 6:00AM and close at 1:00PM, with the winners announced at the end of the day. Jurkowski explained how “[he] will be a more hands-off advisor,” letting the students make the decisions. He hopes to have meetings once a week and be there for all the events. Elections are Friday, November 1st, and will be sent out by email.

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