Malden Youth Civics Council Hosts Event on City Politics

The Malden Youth Civics Event held on Monday, October 28th, informed the youth of Malden about politics in the city. The host of the event, Lana Giha, coordinated most of the event with the help of Rasmee Ky, Hossam Braer, and other clubs who were contacted to help out with this event as well.

During the event, a Kahoot game was played to see who knows the most about our city’s political background. The attendees included four politicians: Mayor Gary Christenson, Debbie DeMaria, Stephen Winslow and Daynal Najmi. There was a presentation on the importance of voting because of the upcoming national elections, as well as the recent local elections where some of the candidates present were running for positions as the Malden City Council. The presenters held a question and answer session for the candidates in case they wanted extra information. City issues were also discussed afterwards, which included infrastructure, diversity, and affordability of housing.

Malden Youth Civics Council event. Photo by Ana Pirosca
Malden Youth Civics Council event. Photo by Ana Pirosca

All of these issues are important to youth that are already engaged in the city’s politics. There is a workshop where students in high school can sign up to vote and learn more information about local politicians. 

Last year’s president, Birukti Tsiege, came up with this idea for politicians to come and see how the students are involved in the city’s government. This year, Giha is taking on the role as president. Later this year, she plans to have an ice cream social with the same politicians as a check in. This will be after the elections and will most likely have different results depending on the turn out of elections.

Giha’s job is to run the council. From here on out, any event that has to do with the club will be coordinated by her and will continue to have help from Braer and Ky. Their jobs consist of  emailing people to come to the events that are planned. 

The event was successful for the Malden Youth Civic Council. They hope future events turn out to be just as successful, and that the youth stays in touch with Malden’s politics as much as they were for this event.

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