Teachers Kayla Scheitlin and Elizabeth Gibbons Attend Math Conference

On September 27th, Kayla Scheitlin attended the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics at the Hynes Convention Center. The teachers were partnered up with a variety of local teachers and researchers at the Wheelock College of Education at Boston University. The NCTM is a three-year project which was led by Dr. Leslie Dietiker and had also had some conversations about things that occur in a math classroom. 

Kayla Scheitlin is a math teacher at Malden High School and teaches Math 3 CP, Math 2 Honors, and AP Calculus AB. The math conference that she attended was a regional meeting for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics as she explains, “it was an opportunity for people involved in math education (teachers, administrators, researchers, pre-service teachers, etc.) to meet and share best practices, resources, and research.” 

Elizabeth Gibbons also participated in the conference, right by Kayla Scheitlin. Gibbons teaches Math 1CP, Math 3 Honors, and AP Calculus AB and it is her fourth year attending this conference. She says that the conference was where “AP math teachers talk about strategies, activities, and different online platforms and applications [they] can use to teach [their] content. It was put on by Mass Insight.” She described the conference that she attended as “cool to talk to and collaborate with teachers from other schools with.” 

Gibbons and Scheitlin served important roles in the conference and as Scheilin stated, “[Gibbons] and [her] have been involved in a research project through Boston University called Mathematically Captivating Lesson Experiences (MCLE) where [they] have been trying to design lessons that interest students. The preliminary results of the research have been very promising, so [they] presented [their] process for designing [the types] of lessons together with the rest of the research and design team at the conference.” Scheitlin was “really excited to present at [the] conference, and [she has] presented at other conferences before this one. [She] [did not] feel very nervous, just excited to share what [she] had been learning about teaching.”

This was her first time presenting, but she has gone in the past as Gibbons explains “Although [Scheitlin has] attended NCTM conferences in the past, this was the first year that [Scheitlin has] presented at an NCTM conference. It was a great experience for [her]!”


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