An Inside Look At The National Honors Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a collaborative team. It recognizes excellence and promotes growth and improvement where members are dedicated to making themselves the best they can be. The NHS focuses on the values of how students are involved in the community, and making themselves and being well rounded and respectful as leaders for others.

The NHS has been around since 1912, the organization focuses on four main core values leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Senior Angelina Schorr, a member of NHS stated “it enables students to get involved in our community, especially at a time in our lives when it feels as though we are not taken as seriously as we want to be.” The NHS is a reminder towards young people that they can make changes in their own communities, even if it means helping someone with their groceries or getting a group of people to recycle a water bottle.

National Honor Society logo.

They work with many different organizations within the community like Housing Families Inc. which provides housing, childcare, and more for homeless families. Every year they collect money and small donations before the holidays for families with young children that have lost their homes. All of the members of the NHS create their own service projects that will help the Malden community. Although these big service projects are something that these students take on, it can be challenging at times, “the club can be hard work at times, but members are motivated by the difference [they] are making to dedicate time and effort to [their] work,” senior, Ezra Kruckenberg, president of the NHS stated. These projects push students to do more.

In order to be in the NHS, students must keep their grades up and show that they are an active leader in their community. Schoor expressed that “you must be able to show examples of leadership in your life, or being the leader of your youth group” such as being a peer tutor, volunteering at church every weekend, or being in a volunteer club. This proves that members are constantly working by doing different activities to make a difference all while maintaining an 88% cumulative weighted GPA. The student must also maintain sufficient attendance to continue their membership in the club.

The NHS has a lasting impact towards Malden High School and has been for 108 years now and work that proves many students in the school want to be part of. No one said working hard is easy but the NHS is definitely accessible for everyone who takes it seriously. Most importantly, it tasks students to find things that they are passionate about in the community and get involved!

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