December Edition: Nedlam’s Corner

Dear Nedlam, the new year is fast approaching and I feel that I should set aside some goals for myself. What do you suggest?


Dear Anonymous, 

You came to the right place! What better way to start the year than with some New Year Resolutions! Am I right or am I right?! Exactly! So anyway, there are only a couple weeks left until the new year. It wasn’t the best year for me and although I’m scared, I’m ready to say goodbye to 2019, and hello to 2020! 

A resolution that I think should be applied to every new year is open-mindedness for making self-improvements. There is always room to grow and personal growth should be a priority. Setting personal goals to not necessarily change your personality, but to simply reflect and analyze yourself, is very important. I am sure that everyone has some parts of themselves they don’t like and this is the perfect time to start making some tweaks. 

In relation, sometimes, we get so caught up in our lives and forget to take care of ourselves in the process which is why I find it essential for me, to improve in that area and recommend others do too. 

A huge part of self-care and self-love is how we choose to act and think. This new year you may want to take a step back and reflect on some of your choices. Let 2020 be the year you try to do something nice for others. Whether it is complimenting a stranger each day, or doing something nice and unexpected for a friend; brightening someone’s day can always help to brighten yours as well.

With this, it also comes sacrifice. Our generation has become so OBSESSED with social media and is so blinded by it that we don’t even recognize that it’s the basis of most problems. So please, respectfully reduce your phone usage. Our time is precious. Cherish your family and friends, and make the most of it because life is too short. I promise it will benefit you in the end. 

Since we are on the topic of media, something else you should do in the new year is doing anything you possibly can to help save our earth. We are dying! The amount of plastic that is being wasted a day is insane. We are at a critical point on this present day and you can help change that. You may not think that one person can make a difference but trust, it does! Anything as simple as avoiding plastic at lunch and bringing silverware from home instead, to conserving energy and water. Volunteering is great too! It’s the little things that count. Just remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Now there are other things to work on this upcoming year, like becoming more organized. Organization is a skill that you will use throughout your whole life, so let’s start now! Try getting a planner and writing down appointments, reminders and when assignments for school are due and don’t forget that nothing is more satisfying than checking things off your to-do lists! 

Another part of this, however, is being able to prioritize and manage your time, especially for schoolwork. Now yes, this may mean choosing to stay home and get some work done as you planned instead of going to the mall or playing video games with your friends, but you won’t have all this extra stress for not getting things done when you should have. Remember, stress is not our friend!

Now, these would not be New Year Resolutions without the suggestion to start working towards a healthier version of you by choosing to eat healthier and workout. Yes, stress may not be our friend, but veggies and fruits are! Small everyday changes where instead of a bag of chips, you grab some baby carrots or apple slices. It can go a long way.

 And don’t forget, exercising goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. Try going for a long walk or a beginner’s hike to get some fresh air. Try some stretches or yoga and then maybe try out some of the easier workout videos on youtube, just be sure to go at your own pace and don’t push yourself too far. Lastly, be sure that whatever you choose you are comfortable with and are safe doing.

There are just so many little changes we can make in our everyday lives to better ourselves. The start of a new year is that perfect excuse to start making some changes, so let’s make 2020 the best year yet!

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