Boys Lacrosse Team Excited to Start 2022 Season

Lauren Mallett also contributed to this article.

The Malden High School Boys Lacrosse Team is moving in on a new season. With tryouts as well as their season officially starting on March 21st, the team is ready to hit the ground running.

This is the team’s first normal season since the start of the pandemic. With this in mind, Boys Varsity Lacrosse coach Jonathan Copithorne stated that he really hopes to “rebuild the program, and get the numbers back up.”

Copithorne’s ultimate goal for the season is to win the GBL Championship: “I want to win the GBL; that’s always my goal, that’s what I want to see happen…I hope that we can establish ourselves as a perennial GBL favorite.” The team made the tournament in 2018 and Copithorne hopes they can work their way back up to that level.

“The way I go about [achieving our goals] is to look for improvement. If everyone gives their best effort regardless of skill level, and as long as they continue to improve, that’s what I really focus on. I never shame someone for not being as talented or skilled as someone else—it’s all about who’s putting the work in,” Coach Copithorne stated. 

Seniors Ethan Heon and Gary Luo have been named the varsity captains for the 2022 lacrosse season. 

Coach Copithorne expressed that he selected Luo and Heon as captains because “they’ve been here since their freshman year. They’ve demonstrated leadership on the field. Both of them are very hard workers, they’re responsible in the classroom and they sort of do everything that you want in a captain.” 

Both Heon and Luo expressed a common goal for the season: to finally beat Medford. 

“I’m looking forward to the Medford game because we have yet to beat them and they are one of my least favorite teams to verse,” stated Heon. 

But in order to achieve that, Heon said the team needs to “put our best effort forward.” Luo added that they need to “stay tough and tenacious,” reminding his teammates that “ground balls win games.” He also said that he will be “getting on the new players” to keep them motivated throughout the season.

The team has already started setting up captains’ practices. Heon finds it important to get a head start. “I want to make sure that the inexperienced players learn so that they can help us on and off the field and try to win as many games as we can, and make sure everyone shows up to practice.”

“They’ve been really active all year in making sure that we’re ready for the season,” added Copithorne. 

Copithorne expressed his gratitude, explaining that he is “pleased with what they’ve done,” and that “hopefully, with all their hard work that they’ve put in for the last four years, they’ll be able to be proud of how we end the year. This is their legacy, this is their work they’ve put in and I’m just here to facilitate it.” 

Both Luo and Heon are hoping to bring their best qualities as captains. Luo stated that he “wants to be understanding towards the players in order to help them further their skills.” Heon added that he wants to focus on his leadership skills, specifically with “motivation and keeping people in check to make sure they are doing what they need to be doing.”

Overall, they are all happy for the season to start, with Luo expressing he is “excited to see where the season goes” and hopes to help rebuild the program. 

“I can’t wait until the season starts to see what we are capable of.”

ethan heon
Joshua Andrews playing in a lacrosse game against Everett. Photo submitted by Joshua Andrews, from the archives.

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