Student Opinion on Malden Lifting Mask Mandate in Public Schools

The Malden Public Schools School Committee recently assembled to discuss the mask mandate, deciding if they should maintain the masks or not. The vote ended with a result of  7-2: Seven for removing the mandate, and two for maintaining the masks. Now, masks are no longer required inside Malden Public Schools, meaning students are given the option to continue wearing their masks if they do not feel comfortable removing them. 

The question is: how does the student body feel about this decision?

Freshman Sean Antin stated that “while in the hallways I am going to keep my mask on, but will most likely take it off in my classes.”  

“I take off my mask whenever I feel comfortable, but I do not want to take it off too much because I don’t want to get my family sick,” Freshman Jonari Chevalier expressed. 

Spanish teacher Helena Talaya-Manso decided to remove her mask, explaining that she “will keep the door open so fresh air can come through, and so we are all not breathing in the same air and I will work harder on wiping the desks after everyone leaves, but it is good that I get to finally see everyone’s beautiful smile. Since I have nobody at home, I do not have to worry about getting people sick.”

“I think it was the right choice to remove the mask mandate, and since it’s still optional, I don’t see much wrong with it. The warmer weather is also starting and it’s getting a little harder to have it on at all times,” said Freshman Aurea Quirino-Silva.

Freshman Perzia Justice commented on the matter saying, “I don’t really mind that they did it but I just think that there should be more thought put into even though covid cases did go down a lot I feel like there are always mutations towards the virus which can cause it to spike anytime like until we know Covid is gonna be low on cases and not go up and not change than that’s when I feel like they should have taken out the mask mandate.” 


Dwayne Saintvil, a freshman at Malden High, said, “I believe that the mask removal is good for people and that people were looking forward to this. People should have freedom, but I also think that it’s a good thing that the school still provides masks for those who want to still wear them.”

The removal of the mask mandate has received a lot of mixed reactions. With the removal of the masks, Malden High is one step closer to returning back to normal. Stay safe, citizens of Malden.

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