Malden High School’s Business Department Welcomes New Addition: Ms. Griffin

Kelle Griffin is currently teaching business at Malden High School. She started teaching business four years ago. Before she started to teach business, she taught English in Boston Public Schools, and English Technology in Chelsea Public Schools.

Now working at Malden High, Ms. Griffin is teaching Sports Marketing, Business Management, and Personal Finance. Inside of class, her main priority in teaching is to make sure she “engages students in real-world application,” as she noted on her public LinkedIn page. 

With experience in English Language Arts (ELA) and Business, she has found that she consistently has the problem that there is “never enough time.” Despite this, she loves teaching, from the “kindness and engagement” to the “sense of community” that it brings.

When not in a classroom, Ms. Griffin has several interests that she brings into her day-to-day life. She loves to ride her bike in the morning to work, and, in her words, it “gives her energy.” Also in her free time, she practices yoga. Other passions include her love for the arts and cuisine. She also pursued one of her passions which was literature and ended up having her teach it for 9 years. 

Aside from her love for literature, Griffin had other inspirations to become a teacher: Griffin is a former softball player, which had an impact on her desire for teaching. Her softball coach had taken an interest in her regarding more than just sports. He took an interest in her academic life as well. That to her was really inspiring and made her want to provide the same for someone else. 

Griffin’s decision to transfer to Malden High was the fact that her commitment to teaching business and personal finance recognized that the school needed her help. Malden itself, she said, “was an attractive community because there are many under-represented minorities in business and finance. And Malden, as you know, is an incredibly diverse community that would allow me to connect with those underrepresented groups and work with them, to give them the inspiration and the skills and knowledge they need to pursue anything they wanted to in life.”

Griffin enjoys working at Malden High School. She looks back at her old schools and realizes how much more supportive it is here in Malden High. She was astounded by the kindness of the students here. She also recognized their engagement in the content, and their willingness to help each other.

Sometimes being a teacher can be stressful, especially with a huge amount of students like here in Malden High. For Griffin, she dabs in all of her passions and it allows her to get energy and have everything around her slow down and quiet down. 

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