Malden High Welcomes New Holland House Principal Mr. Bates

As time passes in Malden High School, it becomes apparent many people are new. Going from students to staff members joining our community, one big change is Malden High School’s new Holland House Principal: Brian Bates.

Bates may just seem like any formal house principal, but there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. Believe it or not, he did not study to be a principal. He went to Fitchburg State University and studied journalism. Previously, before entering the education system, he worked as a reporter for a television show. Now, he’s keeping up with Malden High School’s day-to-day activities.

In no way is his transfer of jobs upsetting him. As a matter of fact, Bates loves his job and has been doing it for several years now, previously at Lynnfield High School. He said his motivation to wake up every morning and do what he does is “trying to help students achieve their successes and help them become the best versions of themselves.”

Chris Mastrangelo, Principal of Malden High School, was one of the interviewers of Bates. He thought that Bates was capable of being a house principal, and chose him due to his communication skills, and how educated of a person he was.

“Besides his job, Bates is a very adventurous person. He loves sports. He enjoys basketball, skiing, and working out in general. Even in his free time, he tends to go and watch his kids play at their games.” He continued, saying “I love spending time with my wife and two kids.” This just goes to show how laid back and chill he is as a person.

Overall, Bates fits the role of the Holland House Principal. He knows how to do his job right, but makes it enjoyable for him and the people around him.

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