MHS Faith Club Spreads the Word of Faith and Community

Malden High School’s new Faith Club seeks to educate students and staff alike about the importance of community faith.

During meetings, which were first announced to be every Thursday but more recently moved to Wednesdays, members typically gather together to open with a prayer and read a passage of the Christian Bible. Then, everyone discusses their interpretations of the passage and how they can apply it to their daily lives. Afterward, everyone is given a moment to pray before reassembling for a closing prayer and to converse about the day’s meeting.

Sophomore Fiona Youmell explained that she decided to join the club because “I’m a Christian and I love the idea of strengthening each other’s faith within Malden High.” By joining, she met other Christians in the school community and would come to appreciate the ability to join them weekly for an hour of prayer and conversation. “To hear the word of God, especially midweek, is a nice pick-me-up,” said Youmell.

Similarly, sophomore Destiny Leon stated that she is also Christian and joined to “be surrounded by like-minded people.” With the club constantly emphasizing the importance of community, she believed that it attending meetings is a way to “help us feel like we aren’t alone.”

Members of MHS’ Faith Club pose for a photo. Photo screenshotted from Instagram @mhs.faithclub.

Youmell also felt like the club serves as a weekly reminder for students to “take time for God out of their week.” Other members agreed, with Leon stating that although “the club didn’t change the way I look at God or faith… I think it has helped me be with people that view God the same way I view God.”

The member turnout has been around 15-20 students so far, and the club is only certain to continue expanding and spreading the word through future events like bake sales and socials.

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