Leading with Spirit: The Dynamic Duo of CO ’26’s President and Vice President

This school year, the class of 2026 was able to have their first-ever class officer elections. With quite a few candidates to choose from, the class elected Eldana Abrhame and Rashmi K C as president and vice president. 

Evidently, the student body seems to really like the duo and like the ideas they bring to the table, making quite the impression on their peers. “They are very social and they can easily bond with people,” said Mailee To, CO ‘26 art director. 

“Eldu is mature, thoughtful and well-spoken. She is always willing to engage in active discussions and steps up to tackle issues and meetings with true leadership style,” Nancy Wenthworth, class advisor, expressed.  With these qualities Abrahme needed someone as determined as her and she found just the person. “Rashmi is kind, authentic and determined. She hasn’t turned down a single opportunity to benefit her class or the work that needed to be done. She has stepped up and taken on a lot of responsibility. She is always a pleasure to work with,” explained Wenthworth.

When it comes to taking a leadership role, communication and ensuring everyone is on the same page is of the utmost importance.. For Abrahme and K C, they seem to be excelling in that: “They have helped me communicate better and talk things out when needed,” said Linh Do, CO ‘26 event coordinator. 

Being president and vice president are two very big roles. They can struggle sometimes in balancing all their extracurricular activities and school. However, they have really stepped up in their roles and have been pretty involved in events.  People often think that it is an easy role while in reality it can be quite difficult. It takes a lot of patience and responsibility. “It can be hard to balance sports, school, and clubs but I think we both try our best,” says Rashmi K C.

With goals of making school a more pleasant place for their peers, they both have been working hard for future activities. “I want to make these last two years fun for everyone, I know it’s hard but we are trying to make it enjoyable,” says Abrhame.

The duo has admitted that they haven’t been able to do as many events as they wanted to this year, but they hope to have more events next year, like the most important and exciting Junior Varieties. 

The girls are hoping to make Prom more affordable for students, but most importantly hope to make caps and gowns more affordable. K C pointed out, “you shouldn’t have to buy caps and gowns, they can be so expensive.” 

The duo said that they have been struggling to fundraising because they can’t reach the whole class. “We don’t have everyone in the classroom, so it’s hard to reach everyone,” said Abrahme. 

With elections coming up in the next school year, both hope to rerun and continue working on class goals. They are both very great candidates and have already made an impact on the class. With other candidates eager to run in the elections next school year, the girls will have to put their best foot forward which shouldn’t be too hard for them. Wenthworth commented, “they’re both excellent leaders in their own right with two very different, but successful, styles. If they were to continue in their roles, I would expect nothing but the very best from them. They are hard workers and will continue to be.” 

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