As the most experienced member of the cross country team, this year marks Iris Feng’s fourth year running on the Malden High School Girls Cross Country Team.  Now a senior, Iris is preparing herself for college. She is writing various supplements, visiting different schools, and applying to many of them.  Although many seniors during this time often become distracted by their academics and the pressures of college, Iris still manages to challenge herself as she is apart of the back to back GBL Championship winning girls cross country team.

As a freshmen, Iris joined the team as a way to meet new people and to make new friends. But once she started running she realized how much she really loves the sport.  “The spirit of running is to push through the toughness,” Iris shares. She applies this work ethic not only physically while running, but mentally in her academics as well.  The sport has taught her much more then how to run, “it has taught [her] determination and commitment that [she] can apply to life.”

Although she does not think that she will continue running for a team as she enters college next year, Iris will still run on her own.  “[Running] has definitely become a habit of mine… it is a way to make my mind clear and make decisions,” Iris tells us how running has helped her.  Running is a lot more than just a sport to her, she has made friends and learned lessons, and has most certainly become a way of life.

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