The sound of repetitive sneakers squeaking on the polished floors of the Salemwood School gymnasium, the encouraging voices of long distance coach David Londino, new coming sprinting, jumping and hurdling coach Jayson Payeur, and shotput coach Thomas Collins, also assisting Payeur  signals one thing: indoor track has begun. This year has started with yet another great season for the boys. Attendance has been remarkable, and Payeur, who is also a gym teacher at Malden High School states that “so far in the season [he is] happy”, and they’re off to a strong start.

Despite the remarkable beginning, the staggering number of 172 students running on the floors of Salemwood’s gymnasium trying out for the team, has been overwhelming, and made the decision of cutting people a very difficult one.“[We are] able to keep about [92] to [100] people” states Londino. “The fact that about one tenth of the high school showed up [just on the first weeks of practice], is insane! Every year the numbers grow..[and it is the] first time in eight years [we] had to make cuts”. According to Londino, this disappoints the coaches because “[they would] like to keep everybody, but [they’re] in a middle school gym, so [they would] like to keep the numbers at a manageable [range].”
Payeur, who is a long time veteran of the sport, states that “track has always been a passion of [his],” so he has some high goals for the team this season. He hopes to give his runners “knowledge about running as much as [he] can”, and encourage and help get them “faster, eat healthy and properly, [and] generate energy.” He wants to “make them the best athletes as possible.”

Londino has a different goal for the team: to “come into practice focused and give [100] percent effort for the full two hours.” He states that “[the team] often [talks] about commitment to team and work ethic. These are direct indicators of a person’s character.”

With the Greater Boston League championship title last year underneath their belt, the boys’ team is focused on winning another title, led by senior captain Franklin Huynh, who has been part of the team since his freshman year. As captain of the team, Huynh’s goal is,“to win [another]GBL undefeated, and try to get as many people to people to state as possible.” Huynh was chosen as captain because of his “leadership qualities and experience,” Payeur states. Londino added that when choosing qualified members for captains, “[the coaches] look for students that are good athletes and [also] good students.”

Overall, the boys team this year “[has] more balance, [they are] going to have strengths in all of the events,” Londino stated. The boys that are participating this year all have similar abilities and talents, which create “competitive practices,” forcing members to push themselves, creating a healthy and strong environment for their team.

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