As all Malden High School students adjust to the new school year, so does adjustment counselor Julia Rosen. Rosen specifically works with MHS students to help with their personal, emotional, social, and academic concerns. Rosen reveals that she had always wanted to become some sort of social worker. What inspired Rosen to be an adjustment council? Rosen always took interest in working with adolescents and believed that she was always an excellent listener.

Rosen had grown up in Connecticut and had attended Tufts University for her undergraduate years. After her years at Tufts University, Rosen then attended Boston College for her graduate degree. When asked why Rosen picked MHS instead, she expressed that she is very familiar with the Boston area and, “Malden is diverse; it is its own community.”

During Rosen’s spare time, she likes to teach herself how to paints canvases in her apartment. Although Rosen is not the most coordinated person and did not play any sports during her school years, she was a part of the yearbook committee. Rosen also declared that she is an enormous reader and also loves to cook.

As a new teacher at MHS, one of the challenges that Rosen faced was, “meeting everyone and adjusting.” Rosen also stated that learning how to fit in was also a challenge for her. For her first year at MHS, Rosen hopes to, “make connections with people” and also to, “make sure students are in a good place.”

More than anything, Rosen appreciates the “good support system [at MHS],” and she hopes to grow with every new person she encounters.

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