Posse Scholar: Maha Kourikchi


Among the other Posse scholars, Maha Kourikchi was also awarded this scholarship. Kourikchi first learned about Posse through her older brother and guidance counselor Erin Craven. With the Posse scholarship, Kourikchi will be attending Bucknell University. Through the nerve wracking process, Kourikchi felt very fortunate enough to have the opportunity to experience it.

While attending Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, Kourikchi is not sure what she will major in specifically, but plans to head towards the science and business field. Bucknell University seemed like a perfect match for Kourikchi since they offer an abundance of majors and minors, which will help her figure out what she wants to accomplish in the future. Kourikchi was also attracted to Bucknell because there are so many opportunities to study abroad, intern, join clubs and sports. Also to just become involved on campus and off of campus at Bucknell University, is what Kourikchi is also excited for.

Kourikchi was also looking forward to take advantage of every opportunity and just become as involved as she can be on campus. “I do not want to do is graduate college with any regrets, so I am determined to make the most of my college experience,” expresses Kourikchi.

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