Girls Field Hockey Season Coming to an End

As the field hockey season comes to a close, the girls believe that they have had a successful season. Senior Captain, Robyn Santo states that “[their] hard work and dedication made the team successful this year.” This year the team had a record of 2-17, and the girls are still working hard to meet their goals and improve for next year. The girls had their two wins against Salem and Revere. Santo’s favorite memory was their win against Salem; it had been their first win of the season, and it gave the girls an extra push. Santo explains that, “although [their] record was not where [they] wanted it to be, [they] were able to find motivation for each game and practice, which helped [them] improve individually on and off the field.”

This year, the girls have gotten much closer, and they are more like a family. They are always looking out for each other, and encouraging each other to do their best. Sophomore Aigula Fitzgerald expresses that, “[they] all love the game and [they] have such a nice bond with one another.” As a team, they all want to better themselves and their skills. One main focus the team has for next year is to work on communication skills, junior Katie Howe believes that is most important, “[they] can not get better as a team if [they] do not work well together and trust one another to complete a play.”

Coach Kimberly Barber believes that, “[they] do not pin ourselves on our wins and losses,” they also focus on the skills and lessons that the girls can use for the rest of their lives. Senior Jillian Powers expresses that, “[she] [has] learned to never give up and to try your hardest.” The girls not only learn the skills of field hockey, but also skills such as leadership skills, especially for the seniors. Senior Casey Arsenault explains that, “it’s [her] job to be patient and help everyone else learn and improve,” the seniors are who the whole team looks up to since they have had the most experience.

The field hockey team will be losing six great seniors this year. Those seniors are Casey Arsenault, Alana Burdine, Samantha Dorazio, Brianna Duffy, Jillian Powers and Robyn Santo. All of the girls believe that, the team will do great next year, they have all of the skills they need to succeed. Some advice that Powers gives to the players that will continue with  this sport next year is “not to let this year’s record get the best of them,” she also advises them to keep a positive attitude. Santo admits that, “[she] [has] so much faith in them and [she] [knows] that they will be in good hands.”

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