Football Senior Profile: Jodens Didie

Jodens Didie posing for his senior profile for Football.
Jodens Didie posing for his senior profile for Football.

As the Class of 2015 approaches the end of their time in high school, senior Jodens Didie is ending his four year long journey as a Malden High School football player. Didie plays cornerback and running back for the team. Along with football, Didie is a member of both the indoor and the outdoor track team.

Since his freshman year, Didie expresses that “the team has grown very close to each other.” Among the pre-season training, daily practices, and games, win or lose, the boys have become “one big family,” says Didie. Whether the boys come off of the field with a win or a loss, Didie assures that “[they] always have one another’s back.”

Football is a sport that demands determination and discipline, which is why the MHS football coaching staff strives to have an impact on the team both on and off the field. Didie expresses that from his time on the team, he “[has] learned a lot about…life and responsibilities.” This season, the team went on a “five game winning streak,” which Didie says was the peak of his season.

The first thing people are told as they enter high school is that it flies by. Once freshman year was over, this statement was sure to be proven true. Being a role model to many members on the team, Didie advises the underclassmen, football players or not, not to “take [high school] for granted” and that “it only gets harder from here.”

As he debates between majoring in architecture or physical therapy, Didie is sure that after high school, he wants to go “off to college” although he may go in undecided on his major. With football season’s end near, Didie is looking forward to the rest of his senior year at MHS. After being a student at MHS and a Golden Tornado for four years, high school has had many memories to offer Didie, as will his journey in college.


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